
A Sister of Mercy
A Vincentian Father
American Ecclesiasticl Review
Bishop E. K. Lynch, O.Carm
Bishop Hay of Edinburg
Bishop Henry Grey Graham
Bishop John Cuthbert Hedley, O.S.B.
Cardinal Louis Billot
Dietrich von Hildebrand
Edward Healy Thompson
F. A. Forbes
Giuliana Cavallini
Jay Macess
l'Abbé Bougaud
l'Abbé de Ségur
Louise M. Stacpoole Kenny
Lumen Verum Apologetics
Maurice Pinay
Monisgnor E. Myers, M.A.
Monsignor J. H. Oechtering, V.G.
Monsignor Joseph Clifford Fenton
Monsignor P. Lejeune
Pietro Cianfogni
Priests of Campos, Brazil
Rev. Angelo Pastrovicchi, O.M.C.
Rev. Arnold Damen, S.J.
Rev. Augustine Wirth, O.S.B.
Rev. Belet of Basel
Rev. Benôit Valuy
Rev. Bernard J. LeFrois, S.V.D.
Rev. Cajetan Mary da Bergamo
Rev. Charles J. Callan, O.P.
Rev. Charles M. Carty
Rev. Clement Thuente, O.P.
Rev. Curzio Nitoglia
Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J.
Rev. Daniel William Cahill
Rev. Demaris
Rev. Felix Sarda y Salvany
Rev. Ferreol Girardey, C.SS.R.
Rev. Francis J. Connell, C.S.S.R.
Rev. Franz Hunolt, S.J.
Rev. Gregory Hesse
Rev. Henry O'Connor, S.J.
Rev. J. B. Lemius, O.M.I.
Rev. James Groenings
Rev. John A. McHugh, O.P.
Rev. John P. Murphy, D.D.
Rev. Joseph G. Anderson
Rev. Joseph Husslein, S.J.
Rev. Leo T. Dowling, S.J.
Rev. Leslie Rumble
Rev. Michael Müller, C.SS.R.
Rev. Michael Sheehan, D.D.
Rev. Owen Francis Dudley
Rev. P. J. Michel, S.J.
Rev. Patric F. O'Hare, D.D.
Rev. Ph. H. Casey, S.J.
Rev. R. P. Quadrupani, Barnabite
Rev. Richard F Clarke, S.J.
Rev. T.V. Fleming S.J.
Rev. Théodore Ratisbonne
Rev. Thomas Butler, D.D.
Rev. Thomas J. Gerrard
Rev. Thomas O'Donnell, C.M.
Rev. Walter Devivier, S.J.
Rev. William P. O'Keeffe, C.M.
Rev. William Poland, S.J.
Sister Maria Antonia (Cecy Cony)
St. Albert the Great
St. Athanasius
St. Edmund Campion
St. Francis de Sales
St. Robert Bellarmine
St. Thomas à Kempis
Very Rev. Alexis M. Lepicier, O.S.M.
Very Rev. Bede Jarett, O.P.
William Stephens Kress