Sister Maria Antonia (Cecy Cony)

Sister Maria Antonia, also known as Cecy Cony, was a Brazilian Franciscan nun who lived from 1900 to 1939. Born in Brazil, she was led to high sanctity under the continual guidance, protection, and inspiration of her Guardian Angel, whom she called her “New Friend.”

From a young age, Cecy experienced the physical presence of her Guardian Angel, who would protect her from sin and evil tendencies, ensuring she never intentionally offended her Divine Master.

Her spiritual director, Father John Baptist Reus, SJ, instructed her to write her autobiography, which was later published under the title Under Angel Wings. The book details her life until the age of 20 and recounts her interactions with her Guardian Angel, who taught her about making sacrifices for Jesus and performing acts of charity.

Sister Maria Antonia became a professed Sister in the Franciscan teaching Order of Penance and Christian Charity in Porto Allegre, Rio Grande do Sul.