
About Us

This apostolate is run by a Catholic family, aiming to hand on the Faith by making good Catholic books readily available and affordable in New Zealand, Australia and beyond.

Terms and Conditions

By using this website, you declare that:

  • You are a Catholic or you are seriously considering becoming one.

  • You agree with our Mission Statement, see below.

  • You agree with our Privacy Policy, see below.

  • You agree with our Refund and Returns Policy, see below.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to hand on the Catholic Faith by making good Catholic books readily available and affordable to Catholics worldwide, but mainly in New Zealand and Australia.

Our criteria for considering a book “good” in the Catholic sense, are as follows:

Books that were published well before the revolution in the Church and that have received the explicit approval of the Church at the time (Nihil Obstat, Imprimatur and/or Imprimi Potest) are considered sound. An example of this is Light and Peace.

Books that are written by a Saint that was canonised before the revolution in the Church are considered sound. An example of this is On Union With God.

We may also use our “Sensus Catholicus” to include books that don’t fall into the other categories, but these will most likely be beyond dispute by any Catholic who knows his or her Faith. An example of this is Humility of Heart. In future, if resources permit, we may also consider other ways of promoting the Catholic Faith through this website.

Privacy Policy

All the information we ask you to provide on this website is used for the sole purpose of facilitating our mission statement. This includes first of all processing your order and providing after-sales support if and when necessary. It may also include sending marketing information to our subscribers.

We do not sell, publish, give away, swap or raffle your information to anyone outside of our organisation.

If you are concerned about any of your personal information somehow finding its way outside of this organisation, then simply don’t provide it. You are welcome to contact us via other channels (email, phone, in person, etc).

Refund and Returns Policy

Nothing this side of heaven is perfect. It is therefore possible that you may find fault with any of our products. If and when that happens, please consider the following:

  • Our apostolate is run by Catholics, who are in conscience bound to be fair and reasonable to all people, even on weekdays. We expect the same from our customers.

  • Given that the cost of shipping is very high, it would be unreasonable to demand or expect a return and replacement unless you have a very good reason to do so, and/or unless you are prepared to share in the extra cost of shipping.

  • We do our best to represent our products as best as possible, but if in doubt, ask before you buy.

  • Everyone has a right to their good name. Spreading unjustified, unreasonable or unnecessary bad reports are considered sins of the tongue, and as such they are one of the hardest sins to make restitution for.

If after all that you consider it fair and reasonable to lodge a complaint and negotiate a remedy, please get in contact with us as soon as possible and we will do our best to work something out.