Liberalism is a Sin

Nihil Obstat, Imprimatur
Liberalism is a Sin, book cover
210 × 148 × 13 mm
260 g

In 1886 there appeared in Spain a little work under the title El Liberalismo es Pecado by Dr. Don Felix Sarda y Salvany, a priest of Barcelona and editor of a journal called La Revista Popular. The book excited considerable commotion. It was vigorously assailed by the Liberals. A Spanish Bishop, of a Liberal turn, instigated an answer to Dr. Sarda's work by another Spanish priest. Both books were sent to Rome praying the Sacred Congregation of the Index to put Dr. Sarda's work under the ban.

The attack by the liberals backfired as Dr. Salvany's book was highly praised by the Sacred Congregation on account of it's “exposition and defense of the sound doctrine therein set forth with solidity, order and lucidity, and without personal offense to anyone.”

This book consists mainly and substantially of Dr. Sarda's book, put into English, and adapted to our Western conditions. After identifying what Liberalism is, it goes on to expose it's causes, symptoms, condemnations and how we can protect ourselves against it. It also deals extensively with personal polemics as well as the true meaning and limits of charity in exposing and opposing this pernicious error and it's agents.

It is a must read for any Catholic wishing to hold fast to the perennial teaching of the Catholic Church and the faith of our fathers. The style is easy to read and the subject matter most relevant to understand and navigate the many crises of our times.