The Fairest Flower of Paradise

Nihil Obstat, Imprimatur
The Fairest Flower of Paradise, book cover
210 × 148 × 23 mm
450 g

As every one knows, Mary occupies a unique position in the economy of the universe. Her divine Maternity has raised her high above all creatures, even the very angels: she is the epitome of God's works and through the Incarnation of the Word, she is in some sort bound to the Most Holy Trinity by the ties of parentage. Now, the full tale of all these privileges and splendours is, in our opinion, summed up in the Litany of Loreto, that Litany which is, as it were, the Christian people's hymn in honour of Mary, their daily tribute of praise and love to this divine Mother.

Considering, therefore, that every point of Christian doctrine is after some fashion comprised in Mary, and that one of the most efficacious means to promote the Christian life, is to propose to the faithful the example of the divine Mother, we have thought it profitable to write a popular work, having for its foundation the series of invocations contained in the Litany of Loreto. In this work the whole Marian theology is briefly set forth, while at the same time the principal dogmas of our Faith and the moral duties of the Christian are brought to mind.

We lay down this little book at the feet of the Immaculate Virgin, with the ardent longing that she may become more and more known and loved. There is no surer or shorter way to Jesus than the knowledge and love of Mary. Whosoever would find Jesus must seek Him at Mary's hands, for it is written of the Magi that they found Him nowhere else except in His Mother's arms.