The Life of Sister Mary St. Peter

Approbation of the Archbishop of Tours
The Life of Sister Mary St. Peter, book cover
210 × 148 × 31 mm
580 g

The life which we are now about to offer the public, will undoubtedly be acknowledged to be one of the most remarkable that has appeared in our century. A poor, simple seamstress chosen as the mediator between the anger of a justly offended God and the sins of a guilty, ungrateful people:—the heavenly ambassadress to one of the mighty courts of the world:—the recipient of the most astonishing revelations:—and all this in our days! Is it possible that visions, ecstasies and revelations are the lot of mortals of the nineteenth century? Do these not rather belong to the days of the prophets, of the apostles? Sit Nomen Domini benedictum! May the Name of the Lord be blessed! His arm is not shortened, nor his Holy Spirit mute in our day more than in times gone by. The life of this generous spouse of Christ is only one of the many proofs that his Church is now, as it ever has been, holy: holy in her doctrine, holy in her ministers and holy in her children.

In obedience to her superiors, Sister Mary St. Peter writes her own life, the charm of which lies in its childlike simplicity. Her humility and her obedience shine forth in every line, producing the most wonderful fruits of generosity and zeal for the salvation of souls. What a heroic mission was hers! To establish Reparation in the Church; to vindicate the honor due to the most Holy Name of God. And with what admirable generosity, untiring zeal and devotedness without reserve, has she not delivered herself to the Spirit of the Most High, to be a docile instrument in his hand for the glory of his Name, and the consolation of his Holy Face!

(excerpt from the Preface)