Thy Kingdom Come

Nihil Obstat, Imprimatur
Thy Kingdom Come, book cover
210 × 148 × 7 mm
150 g

Unity follows truth as closely as light does the sun. Truth and unity are a wedded couple; the marriage was made in heaven and is indissoluble. Error may be manifold; but truth is and must remain one. Add 5 and 4: the true answer is 9; the incorrect answers may be many, but the true answer must be one.

St. Paul speaks of persevering in the unity of faith. God, who is truth, cannot but wish to be worshipped in truth. He cannot be pleased with error; since, if He is truth, error is a denial of God Himself. Error cannot be made to fit into the divine plan. God cannot, then, be pleased with a multiplicity of sects and cannot be worshipped rightfully through error, which, in the last analysis, means attempting to serve God through the instrumentality of unbelief.

Christ’s Church is the Kingdom of Truth. Sectarianism is a revolt against this Kingdom. We say in the prayer taught us by the Lord Himself: “Thy Kingdom come!” It is Christ’s will that truth, and not error, shall reign triumphant and that men shall prove their allegiance to Him through absolute loyalty to the truth.

To further examine this question of unity based on truth, this little booklet delves into questions like the rule of faith, a teaching Church, doctrinal development, alleged corruption within the Church and many others. The style is plain and simple, easy to read. It is a must read for anyone looking for the Kingdom of God.